Andrea Fiorucci
I am a PhD candidate in Computer Science researching the benefits of game-based learning in online, formal education
My Story
I played football for 15 years in Italy before I decided to take a personal challenge and move to London in 2012. Since then, I have had the pleasure to work for a variety of industries among which hospitality, retail, software, and education.
I graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London in 2017 with a First Class Honours in Games Programming. At Goldsmiths, I have strengthened my skills by working as a laboratory assistant first and now as part of the University of London Bsc Online Programme. We design, produce, and deploy a variety of Computer Science modules on the Coursera platform.
My major role is to produce interactive learning tools and gamified content across modules as well as offering support during content production and launch.
My relatively new PhD research involves the study of the benefits that games and play can offer to the education industry, with a particular interest in how gamified content can motivate students, leading them to better engagement and mastery.
JavaScript is my go-to language and I am particularly interested in front-end development, gamified content, educational games, and interactive-hardware games.