The Device Camera mode of the Image Classifier plugin allows you to take screenshot images directly from your camera device and assign them to a specific class.
You can then use the camera to predict in real time which class is the closest to the current video frame.
Camera Permission:
In order to use your camera device, you first need to accept the browser permission policy. Click allow when the permission pop-up shows up:
At this point, the video will start and you should see yourself inside the camera plugin drawing.
Training the System:
You can add video frame images to a specific class.
Use the add class button to do so:
The number of images uploaded per each class, together with a thumbnail grid preview of the files uploaded, will appear next to each class.
There are a total of three classes where you can add files to: Class 1 , Class 2 and Class3
placed from top to bottom on the right hand side of the plugin view, respectively.
You can customise and change each class name by simply clicking on the respective class name text field and type the new class name:
Video Frame Image Prediction:
Toggle the the classify button at the bottom of the plugin view to begin the classification:
As soon as you toggle the classify button, the system will check the current video frame and predict to which class it should belong to.
The system will then output a text message with the predicted class number:
Use the reset button on the top right of the plugin view to clean your classes and start fresh from the beginning:
Use the help button on the top left of the plugin view to reopen this tutorial at any time: